Friday, September 26, 2008

We are social-tribal animals, atferall

How Did Personal Video Eclipse Entertainment Video |
"BUT personal media, making conversations using internet video, seems to be on the rise. With tools like Seesmic and ooVoo and Skype Video, there are lots of ways to have conversations between interested people. This could be business. It might be church. What do YOU know about it? Some quick thoughts to start the conversation."

Chris Brogan has a point.

Why are videos, especially, followed by social media now telling the search engines what they should be following? (His reference to iTunes is a bit the exception - but iTunes was built to share money, not stories.)

Because, at our base, we still live in a legend-filled world. We analyze our environments by comparing stories. Personal stories are more valuable than Hollywood versions (except where producers really follow Campbell's "Hero of a Thousand Faces").

This notion explains why "Cluetrain Manifesto" was such a hit - and is still true. And why corporate top-down structures don't get it (Comcast being an exception - because their business is social communication...) You can't run a corporation like a general from "Art of War" and expect to then be able to carry on ad hoc conversations and marketing at the same time.

And who are the "authorities" - people who consistently tell good stories. Who do you listen to? Why? Figure those questions out and you'll learn oh so much about yourself, you'll feel you somehow put your underwear on after your pants/pantsuit. (Graphic - TMI.)

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