Chicken Metaphysics and Ethics
From http://survivingtheworld.net/Lesson664.html - might have relevance in our politically correct environments
Jon Stewart points out that his May press conference put his own butt on the line as "responsible."
President Obama, after extensive interviews of experts about the Gulf Oil spill, finally discovers "whose ass to kick." http://www.scrappleface.com/?p=4671
Now you've finished all the lessons and are well on your way to the Freedom you've always had, but didn't know how to let show up in your life. This lesson gives you a simple summary of the Levenson releasing technique - all in one place for reference.
Now you know everything you need to regain your freedom. If you've been doing these lessons every week, you are well on your way. Here's a rundown of logical steps you can take to regain your Freedom, Happiness, and Peace quickly...
Your Freedom is already within you. The trick is letting it out. And it's only kept down by the other counter-programs (called thoughts, feelings, and desires) which you've collected just for that purpose. There is a simple method to release these...
The world is just as you create it. So anything you are missing has to be something you changed so it wouldn't show up. Freedom, Happiness, and Peace are native to you - it's only the counter-thoughts, feelings, and desires which keep them from showing up...
The process of getting your native Freedom back can mean a lot more than it sounds. What you've learned by this time, the tools you now know, will start also returning some basic Happiness, Joy, and personal Peace you may have been missing...
There is a relatively unknown method of being able to release the Freedom that is native to you. All you have to do is get rid of the cross-programs you've accepted that keep you from being your self...
Dr. King is one of the most well-known Huna teachers on this planet. And in his essay on the 7 principles of Huna, he gives key data you should know to get your own Freedom showing up in your life immediately...
Earl Nightingale did more for the world by telling it's "Strangest Secret" - he also told other secrets in that recording, which give you some of the vital clues you need to know in order to get all the Freedom, Happiness, and Peace you could ever want...
Wattles' "Science of Getting Rich" is much more than how to gain your fortune - it tells how to get abundance in every part of your life. It's also a key description of how to regain your freedom, happiness, and peace of mind...
Napoleon Hill is one of the most renown and effective self-help authors based on his "Think and Grow Rich". Here, we examine the key principles he used to help people find their own Freedom - something we've had all along...
Haanel is known for his Master Key System, which is essentially a blueprint for how the physical universe operates. Find out how this can help you get your Freedom...
All the Freedom, Happiness, and Peace you could ever want is already within you. The trick is to know how to let it show up in your life.
Dale Carnegie has influenced perhaps more people than any other self-help author. His basic principles influence self-esteem and are the basic first step to finding all the Freedom you could possibly ever want.
An irreverent and controversial look at humankind and how it operates.