Tuesday, September 16, 2008

16 steps to Success - Webinar 3 notes

Notes from Sam Clark's "16 Steps to Success" Webinar 3

LSI starts it off. (Sure I know this stuff, but let's listen anyway...)

Basically is that Google has shifted from keywords to themes. Will be more advantageous to build around several related phrases in the future. (Themezoom does this - per the dated PDF's I have - by creating related long-tail keywords [dog collars, dog leashes, dog training, dog beds] - which are all below the real keyword you want to gain traction on [in this case, "dog"]. You do this by building in "silo's" and not cross linking articles about collars over to leashes - except to the top-level index page for that sub-category. In this way, they also give Pagerank love to these other pages - but the key point is that it doesn't dilute the theme of collars with (and cross-dilute) leashes.)

Gives a number of LSI tools, and article re-writers which can work over your writing to make several versions of essentially the same original article. (Article Marketers have been doing this for some time - and there are several free tools out for some time which have done this. One guru tells me that you can escape penalty with PLR articles by changing as little as 30%.))

Make your pages clear and easy to understand. (Rule of thumb I've been told is to have your keyword in 1) Page title, 2) H1/H2 header - and that header needs to be bold, 3) any incoming links [harder to control] - and then the rest of the page is themed to support that keyword.)

Clarity and understandability goes for search engines and especially users.

Don't dilute your theme with disrelated links. (Build silos for that subject - all containing that one set of articles which all cover that same keyword phrase. Then link once to a related silo of yours - it's index page.)

Video traffic doesn't convert as easily, but Google is incorporating search and links into their advertising scene. Worth keeping track of - still in beta currently.

- - - -

Back to me and my work:

Got Jack Humphrey's Blackbook yesterday and have been reworking it to make better sense to me. (Essentially, it didn't flow right, so I couldn't keep attention on the subject, but got distracted easily - just drop it into Acrobat Pro and output as html, then translate that to text in Note Tab Light, saving the URLs, then open that file up in Open Office so I can add headings and organize it.)

I moved all the links (blackbook) to the end so that I could read his stuff straightforward.

Still a lot to study to do.

And so I get back to it.

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