Strategies and Clunky Metaphors for Social Media Success
Why does strategy always have a military bent? (Sigh)
OK, here's the whole approach to making yourself a success - at least the theory of what you need to start with:
- The whole name of the game is getting and keeping subscribers. (Means delivering high-quality, consistently wanted content.)
- Beyond that, it's making them in to consistently paying clients (if you want to make a living at this).
- Social Media Marketing is different from regular marketing, as it's based on trust - not bullhorn broadcasting in great locations (classic Madison Avenue).
- You have to give in order to get. The better quality, more valuable stuff you give away will get you better clients and they reward you for your efforts.
- Blog/CMS to consistently add fresh, high-quality content
- ecommerce site to allow people to pay you for your efforts
- autoresponder so you can send emails to people who want them
- solutions to offer, which people will donate to your cause/pay you for.
- Everything above plugged into Google Analytics so you can tune what you do.
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Later, I'll flesh these out with more details, but this is the core of it. Study some other bloggers and see if you don't agree...
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